Tuesday, February 03, 2009


It may be quiet around here for the next few days. I'm not sure yet.

The next three days all mark significant "anniversaries" for me. Things that happened, things that are deep and full, but are also marked with deep pain and high cost.

I'm not sure where my heart will be at as I face these days.

I'm not sure if there will be words, or only silence.

But I need to walk these days out.

I need to take the time to remember.

I'm thinking again about the verse in Psalm 27 that says something to the effect of "my heart has heard you say, 'come and talk to me.' and my heart has responded, 'Lord, I am coming.' "

I'm going to give my heart the space and permission to write or to be silent, to remember, to pray and wait, to feel the presence of Jesus deeply, and grieve the wounds that still remain.


Hope said...

Hugs to you today.
Be gentle with yourself.
You are loved.

Lisa said...

Seeing a comment under your pen name pop up in my inbox this morning made me smile. hope remains one of my favorite words, and a much talked about theme this last difficult year.

seeing it in your name brought a smile and a reminder.

as did an email from a dear friend this morning, reminding me to "choose hope".

thanks for the hugs :)