Saturday, January 24, 2009

Pursuing Quiet

My headspace has been way too loud and cluttered of late.

I've been bogged in stuff that I can't figure out, thrashing around, trying to find freedom in the midst of some gross stuff.

Late last night I decided that I needed my interior space to quiet down a little.

So today I'm doggedly pursuing quiet.

I'm being rather ruthless in what I will take in. What thought patterns I'm letting run their course. What I'm reading and listening to.

And I'm cleaning.

I'm not entirely sure if this is a needed thing, or just an elaborate method of avoiding that is working on a temporary basis.

But for now, I'm more peaceful.

And I decided that if I really do want to pursue freedom right now, it might be helpful to stop thrashing against the things that bind long enough for someone (Jesus I hope) to come and unbind them. It seems that it would be easier for unbinding to occur if I am still enough to make it a less difficult task.