Thursday, January 15, 2009


I need today to go well.

There are things happening today that I would really like to have go well.

But I'm peaceful at the moment, and for that I'm grateful.

I'm wearing my "alternate eyes" today. The more corporate and conservative ones instead of the usual purple and orange ones. When I bought two new sets of eyes last spring, I really thought it would be the conservative ones that I'd wear all the time. It isn't. I wear them maybe once a month. And today is that day.

I put an emerald in my nose today. I read somewhere that emeralds have long been a "symbol of hope". So today, in defiance of the odds, I'm choosing hope. And demonstrating it sneakily, with an emerald in my nose.


Anonymous said...

reading some of your posts inspired me to put a plastic bead on my nose and hope for the same :)

Anonymous said...

Praying for you to be able to keep holding onto hope!

Thanks for the email, I'll write you back soon!

The "other" Lisa