Monday, December 01, 2008

One Candle

I missed attending a church service for the first Sunday of Advent for the first time in my life yesterday, and it really bothered me. My heart seems to revolve with the seasons of the church calendar and it was hard on me to not be with a corporate body to acknowledge that. Especially given the way this last year has been. A season of waiting for birth, and for light to enter into the world seems fitting right now.

So, tonight I formed a simple wreath on my dresser. Three purple tapers, and one rose colored one. Five stones engraved with words that have been reminders to my heart all year. Loved. Hope. Courage. Peace. Joy. And one short white pillar in the centre - the Christ candle, waiting for Christmas to dawn.

I prayed a simple prayer, read a few verses of scripture, and lit the candle. It burnt there peacefully while I did a bit of writing, and then I snuffed it out for another week. The wreath will stay where it is, reminding me through the coming weeks to pray and fast and wait for the coming of the light, for the birth of the Messiah.

Come Lord Jesus.


Anonymous said...

this is beautiful Lisa, and very fitting. I like your 'doing church' at home when you couldn't make the church building.