Monday, December 29, 2008

Headlines - Post Christmas Edition

I've been mostly living in a "cave" the last several days, away from the city, and not following the news. So I took some time this morning to catch up on headlines and articles from around the world. The following is a sampling of what caught my attention today and moved my heart to prayer:

Wolf Captured Near Tourist Portion of Great Wall

Child Maid Trafficking Spreads From Africa to US

Israel Bombs Gaza in "All Out War"

Pope Laments Global Instability

Children Killed in Afghan Attack (some Canadian soldiers were also killed)

Tear Gas Kills 5 in Peru Club

Peru Christmas Baby Named Jesus

Aceh's Victims of Nature and War

Israel Stikes Key Hamas Offices

A Year After Bhutto: Tears and Troop Movements

Ugandan LRA in "church massacre"

Israel Pounds Hamas Targets in Third Day of Offensive

And, just because any article with the line "When Canadians start acting crazy, America should fit itself for a giant straitjacket." makes me smile, The Year of Living Stupidly