Thursday, November 27, 2008


I have a general like of Thursdays.

They're typically busy, but not out of control at work.

They mean the weekend is nearly here.

They bring Grey's Anatomy (though tonight was a disappointing re-run due to American Thanksgiving).

Today was a good Thursday for the above reasons as well as:
  • grocery shopping
  • a yummy home-cooked dinner. Alfredo sauce with peas and bacon chunks in it, over bow-tie pasta.
  • french-braided hair after a nice, hot shower (hot showers of more than two minutes being something I'm still grateful for after my trip to Malta early in the year)
  • reading Jeremiah in the car, while waiting to pick my roommate up after work
  • a fun conversation with a friend at work that made me laugh and laugh
  • dried apple slices
  • bottled water
  • rose scented hand-cream
  • tea lights
  • being curled up in bed by 9pm, reading and writing and emailing
Okay. A bit of reading and such left to do, and then I'm going to bed - hopefully a bit early.

And, for you Americans, Happy Thanksgiving! I didn't get to celebrate, but it's fun to lay claim as a dual citizen to a second thanksgiving holiday.