Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I Needed This...

I had the kind of day where the office server went down, rendering nearly everyone unable to complete important work, and grouchy because of it. The kind of day when I sat in a staff meeting and listened to our general manager try to paint a rosy picture of a particular event in the life of our company, and essentially deceive our staff. The kind of day where I began to have odd physical symptoms just after lunch, and spent the afternoon fighting off dizzyness and longing for the end of the day.

I've had the kind of day that has left me in need of a reminder of things that make me smile.

Things like:
  • cuddling with my favorite kids in the world yesterday, while they showed me their "baby books" and told me all about the photos of themselves that the books contained.
  • a "perfect" moment of stillness standing beside Lake Minnewanka yesterday
  • mango body scrub from the Body Shop
  • a quiet evening at home with plans to write and read
  • curling up in favorite sweats and wrapping myself in a soft blanket
  • comfort food for supper
  • a long conversation with a dear friend
  • a video of herself that my best friend recently posted on facebook from the other side of the world
  • email that allows for nearly instant communication with scattered family and friends
  • bath products (especially bubble bars and bath bombs) from LUSH
  • candles
  • a rose-scented bedroom thanks to an oil burner and oils