Friday, October 24, 2008

Laughter Bound

I have been much captivated by a dream I had last week that led me to the story of Isaac bound on the altar. While I can't widely share the dream in a public forum right now, I am captivated by the image of Isaac laying bound on that altar.

By this fulfillment of God's promise bound and ready to die.

Isaac means laughter, or he laughs.

I am caught by the idea of laughter lying bound on an altar.

Of laughter being bound.

Of laughter as the sacrifice.

This is one of those moments when I wish I could draw or paint, so that I could share the things I've seen in the dream, and in my head as I've spent time with this passage this week.

Rembrandt painted his version of the story in the seventeenth century, and of the images I've looked at so far, I like his "The Sacrifice of Isaac" the best.