Sunday, October 19, 2008

Hard Sunday

This has been "one of those days."

I'm going grocery shopping in a few minutes. I need to get out of the house and forget for a bit.

I'm haunted by a pair of eyes I saw recently. Not in a good way.

I'm amazed by how much the embrace of a child can soothe and heal.

I'm craving chocolate.

I want cookies, without the work of making cookies.

I'm wondering where I "fit" in the world, and how long it will be until I find that place? Shouldn't I have that place already at 25?

I went to church this morning for the first time in a while.

I'm caught by a song the guest musicians sang, "Praise You in this Storm."

I'm thinking about blood and water and life and death and birth.

And now I'm going grocery shopping for a while.


Drew said...

be sure and stop by the little debbie section. it's a cure all :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa
no, I don't think you should have found your place by now - I'm 10 years older and have a 'profession' in the classic sense, but I still feel out of place. The older I get the more I realise that this world isn't going to feel like home. Things are out of kilter here. It's not how God intended it.
But that's not meant to trivialise your feelings, but to empathise. H hope you don't put pressure on yourself with this "should". It's OK to just be, and be yourself.
