Tuesday, September 30, 2008


After my flight home yesterday, I went almost straight to the office for a half-day at work.

Once work ended, I made a quick stop at the grocery store, drove home, got partially unpacked, cooked some dinner, and took a nice, long, hot shower.

I ate dinner curled up in bed, watching a dvd.

The plan for the rest of the evening was to watch a dvd, and then eventually get around to some reading and journalling. It didn't happen.

I was asleep by 7:30 p.m. I got up once, around 8pm to use the bathroom, and proceeded to mostly sleep for about the next 11.5 hours. I think I probably still had a parentally imposed bedtime the last time I was asleep that early. More importantly than the much needed hours of sleep was the fact that the sleep was mostly dreamless. The dreams have been gaining in intensity again lately and were particularly strong at a few points over the weekend. It was nice to have truly deep rest for a lengthy period of time.

And now, it's morning, and I'm back at work, just getting ready to start the day.

After work comes the weekly shopping trip with my roommates. Oh, and we're going out for dinner (during which we'll do our meal planning for the week) because we don't actually have any food in the house to cook and feed all three of us. So, there's a good Italian restaurant that has cheap pasta nights (dozens of selections for either $6.95 or $7.95 a plate) on Sundays, Mondays and Tuesdays. The plan is to do that as soon as we're home from work, then our groceries, and home again for an early night.