Monday, September 29, 2008

Heading home

It's 6:45 am, and I'm sitting in the Winnipeg airport as I'm writing. I caved in and paid for some internet time.

I rode to the airport with a dear friend, but her flight left three hours before mine, so I'm killing time, and waiting to be home.

Sleep has been fleeting (2 hours for me in the last 24 - I'm hoping to pass out for a couple hours on my flight home), but the weekend has been good.

Some new friends. Connection with some dear friends. A beautiful wedding. A concert.

But now, I'm tired, and I'm ready to head for home. My brother is picking me up at the airport, and I'm looking forward to seeing his face. He'll drive me home, where I'll hopefully have time to sleep for an hour or two, before I have to be back at work this afternoon.

I'm ready to be home for a bit.