Thursday, September 18, 2008

Feeling Better

I'm doing a bit better.

It's amazing to me sometimes what a really simple sense of having accomplished something can do for my mood.

I came home from work and made a list. All the things that need to get done that I've let slide because of the exhaustion and illness that have consumed so much of the last week.

I cooked dinner for myself and my roommates.

I worked through 2/3 of my list, and have the rest sorted into a couple of errands that need to be run tomorrow after work.

I've chatted with a friend.

I made the decision that's been bugging me for the last week or two. (the dreams I had last night, unsettling though they were, gave me an odd sense of peace about making this particular decision.) It feels good to have it off my chest.

And now? I'm eating a slice of blackforest cake (one of my favorites) left over from a weekend splurge, and then I'm headed for the shower.

After a nice hot shower, my plan is to curl up in bed with my bible, journal, and the book I'm currently reading and read for a while. Then I'm going to finish watching an episode of The West Wing and head for what will hopefully be an early bedtime.

Tomorrow is Friday. I like Friday's more than other days, not only because they proceed the weekend, but because I can wear jeans to work.

And George is saving me nearly an hour a day in commuting time this week, so that's fantastic too.