Friday, August 01, 2008

Weekend Plans

My mom called me this morning to let me know that she needed to cancel some plans we'd tentatively made for tomorrow since she's been ill the last few days.

She wanted to know what I was planning for this long weekend.

My answer?

Sleep. (and maybe some writing.)

I told her that I've been exhausted, and I plan to sleep as long as my body will possibly let me tomorrow morning, following which I plan to lay in bed for quite a length of time, following which I will probably relocate to the couch and lay some more.

Actually, while I do plan to spend a long time in bed tomorrow, I have other things on the agenda.

I'm going to bake brownies.

And do some laundry and cleaning.

Maybe call a good friend and see if he's in town for the long weekend, and if he'd like to hang out.

Tonight I'm watching a movie with my baby brother.

Tomorrow my roommate L. and I have plans to cook dinner together.

I'll probably mow the back lawn.

And call my cell phone company to see about making some changes to my plan.

I might go shopping for books. Or work pants. (Books are more fun than work pants.)

But mostly, I want to rest for a while. And work on some writing projects. And pray. I need to find time to get quiet and pray. Maybe make it to my park. Or this cemetery I've been wanting to visit and walk through.