Friday, August 01, 2008

Recurring Themes

Do you ever have recurring dreams? Or themes or symbols that recurr in your dreams?

I passed another night last night where I'm honestly not sure if I was awake or asleep. It was an oddly real space. Often when I dream, I know it's a dream. There's the sense of waking, of coming back to reality. Lately I've passed the occasional night that isn't like that. I'm aware of my physical surroundings, but unable to respond to them in quite the way I normally would. Somewhere between wakefulness and dreaming I guess.

Anyway, there is a symbol that tends to show up in a lot of my dreams. Particularly the ones that are more spiritually dark in nature. I tend to "see" snakes. Odd symbol, one that I'm not quite sure what to do with. I'm not excessively afraid of snakes in my day to day life (though I don't want to cuddle and touch them either). But they do tend to show up in my dreams a lot. Often crawling and swarming all over my body. Wrapping themselves around me. Not so pleasant.