Monday, August 11, 2008


Today I wore a dove around my neck. I bought a necklace at a fairtrade shop on the weekend. It was made in the Philippines. Just a simple cord, with a few beads, and a white dove, in flight, made from shell.

I needed the reminder it is for me today, and found myself fingering it often.

Peace. Doves are internationally a symbol of peace. I'm trying to find peace in a number of parts of my life again. Feeling unsettled.

But more than that, for me, a dove is the symbol of the Holy Spirit, of God descending and dwelling in us. I'm reminded of the Spirit descending "like a dove" on Jesus at his baptism. I'm reminded that God dwells with me, holds me. And these days I'm reminded too that the spirit intercedes for us with "groaning beyond words". I need that right now.

So I wore a dove today, and I'll likely wear it again tomorrow, and the day after that, for as long as it takes. I'm waiting for some things to change and I need the reminders of peace, and the presence of the Lord with me closely these days.


Shelley said...

"Where the Spirit of the Lord is,
There is Freedom..."