Saturday, July 26, 2008

Reasons to Smile

It's been a hard week, but today has provided some reasons to smile, and for those I'm grateful. Mostly little things, things that would perhaps mean nothing to anyone but me, but I'm clinging to them in these moments, and I thought I'd share them with you.
  • a conversation that began yesterday, and continued past midnight into today. a dear friend listening and waiting and praying as I moved from a very dark space into a safer and more restful one.
  • wearing a new tank top, purchased, of all places, at the grocery store last night for only $5.
  • fun earrings, purchased last week at the Tibetan shop in Eau Claire Market, while shopping with a dear friend.
  • an hour sitting on my back deck, in the sun, writing this morning
  • a massage this morning, and somewhat relaxed back and neck muscles because of that
  • a phone call from my best friend, inviting herself over to spend the evening with me
  • the sense of accomplishment in hanging a new photo on the wall in my bedroom (purchased from the farmer's market) and a blind for my window, by myself
  • shelves (shortened this morning by my dad) in the nook in my kitchen
  • showering the sunscreen and massage oil off my skin after a full day
  • the scent of my favorite perfume, lightly sprayed onto my neck and wrists, lingering in the air around me
  • purchasing an oil burner, and a number of beautifully scented oils to put in my bedroom
  • great deals at the local christian bookstore, which closes in just under a month
  • six new books, 1 cd and 1 dvd as a result of those deals
  • feeling pretty
  • knowing that I finished writing some thoughts that have desperately needed to be given expression
  • chocolate, oranges, and almonds
  • the sense of satisfaction that comes from knowing that I have made a tiny victory today by successfully doing something small that has long been a thing fraught with fear in my life
  • getting a particular photograph of myself - one that reminds me of some deep and important things - printed so that I can place it someplace I'll see it often
It's been a good day thus far, and there's still more to come. I've needed a day like this. Quiet, full, sweet. Moments of rest and enjoying being alone. And moments with those I love. I'm praying that tomorrow is much the same, and that each of you are also gifted with days like these, full of things that bring a smile to your lips and a word of praise to your heart.