Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A Wrestling Silence

A wrestling sort of silence has descended again, and I find myself with few words and the growing longing for the tears to come.

I wrote a dear friend this morning and told her that I was wishing we lived nearer to each other, that I simply wanted to rest my head in her lap and sob… to cry out all of the fear and pain and anger and just rest in her arms, being loved by her and by Jesus.

I’m still struck deeply by the words of others. By the things I’m reading. By books and emails and blog posts and news stories. Will you forgive me if I speak less and let them speak more on my blog for a while?

I need to take some time to be a bit quieter, to restlessly, painfully, let this silence exist inside me for a bit. To strain to hear the voice of Jesus, and to drown out all other voices that accuse and condemn.