Tuesday, June 10, 2008


On Friday morning at 9 am, my friend M. picked me up. We went for a quick breakfast at Tim Horton’s (she ate, I just drank apple juice), went shopping for an hour (bought two fantastic new tops and a great pair of earrings), and then she drove me to the airport and said goodbye.

I got on a plane and flew across the country to collect on a promise of a hug from a dear friend.

It was absolutely worth it. Each and every moment. The hours and hours of conversations. The relaxed (though full) schedule. The really special moments, and time spent praying together. The laughter.

And especially the hugs.

There was the hug at the airport (a warm-up really). And the one at the side of the road, after standing together in a river while she prayed. And others… several others. She gives the best hugs. The kind that inherently say to the person who receives them that they are deeply loved and valued. The kind that are healing, that bring wholeness and peace.

And the best part is, when we can’t physically be together to collect on the hugs, she sends them to me in words. In emails and chats online and phone calls.

I find myself continually amazed that the Lord gifted me with a friendship with her. At the way our hearts have connected. At the gift she’s been as I’ve navigated what has been a tumultuous journey of life and faith through this last year. I'm so thankful for our relationship.

It was absolutely worth it. And I’m already looking forward to the next time we get to be together.


Drew said...

glad to hear you received the love you deserve.