Thursday, May 08, 2008

Thursday Morning Musings

I’ve just finished making my first cup of tea for the week. Those of you who know me well will know that I generally make a cup of “Tazo Passion Tea” first thing in the morning most mornings at the office.

I’ve been sick for most of this week, and even tea has been unappealing. Last night I ate my first actual meal since Sunday dinner, and was delighted to keep it down.

Today is a good day for sipping tea. It’s cold and grey and rainy. In typical Calgary fashion, the rain is scheduled to turn to snow, and we may get up to 20cm before the day is out. 20cm. That’s about 8 inches. They say they don’t know how much of that will actually accumulate, since the ground is warm, but still. It’s May 8th, and they’re predicting 8 inches of snow.

I’m in an oddly humorous mood this morning. Weird things are funny to me.

My internal sarcastic voice is out in force today.

I’m listening to David Crowder Band this morning – a playlist of 3 albums (Illuminate, A Collision, and Remedy).

I’m musing about being small and unseen. About being coddled and babied and not liking it.

I’m wearing a favorite t-shirt and comfortable (but cute) shoes.

I’m rehashing conversations with friends and laughing at the memories.

I’m twitchy.

I’m eating crackers, and debating where I’m going to buy lunch.

I’m thinking about the errands I need to get done tonight.

I’m wondering what my current typing speed is, and if it’s changed in the couple of years that I’ve been working full-time.

I’m debating which item on my “to-do” list for the day I want to attack first.

I’m still thinking about and “seeing” something I witnessed on April 3rd and blogged about here.

Eventually I’ll get around to writing some “deeply thoughtful” blog post for you. My brain has been a little too engrossed in other matters to do “deeply thoughtful” this week. In the meantime, here are a couple of headlines that made me smile today:

Someone in Florida is building what appears to be an "Ark".

And NASA will pay you $5000 dollars a month to do nothing but lie in bed. This is an offer that is actually vaguely tempting!