Friday, May 02, 2008

The Little Things

Sometimes it’s the little things.

This has not been a particularly smooth day in a lot of ways. I continue to struggle.

But sometimes it’s the little things that make a day do-able.

Things like:

Wild, curly hair that is making me feel pretty.

Funky hippy earrings made of brown and white wooden beads.

Getting to run an unexpected errand from the office, and spending 10 minutes outside, walking to and from the grocery store.

A sunny sky.

Subway lunch with a coworker.

Casual Friday.

Taking a three day break from fasting.

Enjoying that first bite of a chocolate chip cookie after 7 weeks of fasting from desserts and chocolate.

Burying my fingers in the dirt while potting a plant I’ve been rooting on my desk for the last few weeks.

Putting a beautiful new plant in a very cute pot on my desk.

Cutting new plant slips (of a different sort) to root over the next few weeks.

Counting down (4 hours or so) until the work week ends.

Certain work tasks going more smoothly than expected.