Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Hungry and Thirsty

My body can’t seem to decide which way it wants to go some days.

There will be days and weeks on end where my appetite is limited, and I feel ill every time I eat.

And then, then there are days where I eat everything in sight, and still find myself hungry.

Today is one of the latter sort of days.

I’m ravenous.

I ate breakfast. And a snack. And lunch. And a snack. And a snack.

I’m also ridiculously thirsty. I’ve gone through something like 5 half-litre bottles of water today, as well as a cup of tea.

I’ve run out of food and there’s still an hour left in the workday. The only things around the office that could be pillaged are candy and chocolate. I’m still fasting candy and chocolate.

So, I guess I’ll go with hunger until I get home from work. Two more hours seems a long time.

I’m reminded of Lauren Winner’s statement about fasting as I sit here and try to convince my stomach that we’ll make it until I get home just fine without food. She says “Fasting reminds us that our truest hunger is for God.”

I guess I’ll keep reminding myself of that too. Jesus the bread of life, and Jesus the living water.


Drew said...

healing is about hunger...

Lisa said...

wow... I like that... want to expand on it at all?

Drew said...

what is it that we crave in the moment? it is what most reveals our heart. what we crave will reveal our heart. more so, our heart will reveal what we crave.

food reminds us of the dependence we have, the need for something other than us to fill us.

i like your thoughts. thanks for sharing them.

Lisa said...

I like that... "food reminds us of the dependence we have, the need for something other than us to fill us." So very true...

and, going back to the original comment, I have talked often with friends about healing again lately... I experienced healing of seven years of severe depression about three years ago, and find myself fascinated by this God who heals...

today I hunger to see that healing worked out in relationships, in health, in my life and in the lives of those I care deeply about...

"healing is about hunger..."

so good.