Saturday, May 24, 2008

Cooking and other evening thoughts

L. (our future roommate) and I are cooking dinner. We decided that since it was the weekend, and since we have no particular evening plans other than relaxing, we would cook a really nice meal.

So we're cooking "Fantastic Roasted Chicken" (recipe here) and serving it with roast potatoes, steamed snap peas, and steamed carrots in an orange-brown sugar sesame herb glaze.

We joked about the fact that we could use lots of garlic, cause we're not seeing boys tonight!

The plan is to throw a goofy, fun, possibly even sappy movie into the dvd player after dinner, curl up with some microwave popcorn, and flip through the stack of cookbooks we picked out at the library this afternoon, looking for future weekend cooking plans.

I'll bake banana bread at some point tonight. And hang our shower curtain liner.

We did errands for probably 5 hours this morning. The farmer's market, the grocery store, a wine shop, and a fantastic little European bakery (we bought pastries for dessert following our dinner tonight). I bought some gifts for some friends at 10,000 villages.

I took a long, lavender scented bath, and read a book this afternoon. At the moment, I'm contemplating dozing off on the couch in between checking on the chicken in the oven.

Tomorrow afternoon L. and I will pull out the scrapbooking supplies, and make some greeting cards, fulfilling a need we're both feeling to "do something artistic".

Our apartment is starting to smell pretty fantastic.

It's been a pretty good (though with a few car accident from last night related blips) day.