Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Waiting for the tears to fall...

The tears are sitting just behind my eyes tonight. Refusing to fall. I'm tired. More tired than I've been in a while. I came across this blog post tonight. Challenging if you go back through some of the blog archives and read their story.

I came across these lyrics from a new David Crowder Band song via the post mentioned above (the song is in the automatic playlist on that post if you want to hear it.) I needed the reminder it ends with.

Lord I'm tired
So tired from walking
And Lord I'm so alone
And Lord the dark
Is creeping in
Creeping up
To swallow me
I think I'll stop
Rest here a while

And didn't You see me cry'n?
And didn't You hear me call Your name?
Wasn't it You I gave my heart to?
I wish You'd remember
Where you sat it down

And this is all that I can say right now
And this is all that I can give

I didn't notice You were standing here
I didn't know that
That was You holding me
I didn't notice You were cry'n too
I didn't know that
That was You washing my feet

And this verse: Romans 15:13 "
I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit."

I needed to hear all of these things tonight.

Now, I'm waiting for the tears to fall.


Anonymous said...

still seeing you
still hearing you
glad that he gives you these songs

waiting with you
