Saturday, April 26, 2008

Update and Settling In

Since I'm sure you're all fascinated by my mundane life, I thought I'd give you an update!

Thus far today I have:
  • eaten a tea biscuit
  • taken a long bath with a novel, in nicely scented water
  • mixed up banana bread from my mom's recipe (there are two loaves baking just presently, and making my house smell really good)
  • swept my kitchen, hallway, and bathroom
  • discovered that the mouse poison we put in the hot water heater closet is actually getting eaten (here's to no more mice popping out of my bedroom closet, or sticking their head under the water heater closet door while I'm sitting on the toilet)
  • eaten leftover chicken, couscous, carrots and asparagus
  • cleaned my fridge
  • washed one sinkful of dishes, and put the ones that dried overnight from yesterday away
  • played Jason Upton loudly through my whole house, while working at accomplishing some of the above things.
  • mused about the fact that somewhere along the way, it has become normal for me to have an ongoing conversation with Jesus while I cook and clean and fold laundry
I'm not sure when that happened. The ongoing conversation, I mean. I think it's kind of like those stories where the atheist becomes a Christian because he looked at creation and knew there had to be someone to thank.

I feel kind of like that. I've always had an internal dialogue, and somewhere along the way I realized I wanted it to be more than a one-sided conversation. That I needed someone to talk to.

I have a friend who assures me that for many people encountering Jesus is a Sunday sort of thing, not a doing laundry, or washing dishes, or sweeping the floor or walking to the train kind of thing. I suppose that makes me weird. But I don't think I would trade it. It's kind of nice to have a conversational partner who really cares. Even when I don't like the things He says. Even when He's a terrible argument partner who just keeps repeating truth over top of my rationalizations.

And with that, I'm back to my list. And to sitting and soaking for a few minutes in the presence of Jesus.