Saturday, April 12, 2008

Sunburnt and Other Things...

Could someone tell me how I managed to spend a month in the Mediterranean in January without getting so much as a tan, and yet, when I spend a few hours outdoors on the first warmish and sunny spring day of the year, I manage to quite nicely sunburn my face and neck.

I watched the movie "Dan in Real Life" this afternoon. I liked it. A happy, family sort of movie. Predictable, but happy. I need some happy in my life these days.

I'm incessantly hungry. Seriously. I've been eating nearly constantly all day.

I bought pork buns in China Town today. I love pork buns. (Did I mention that I've been incessantly hungry today?)

I'm going to see a movie with my baby brother, T., tonight. I'm looking forward to hanging out with him too.
