Friday, April 11, 2008

A Blog Link

I liked this post by Tony Campolo's son, Bart, on the Sojourner's Blog today. I relate to the things he says, just a little.

Keeping the Faith


Faye said...

In my behavioural sciences seminar class, we've been talking about how "sexy-ugly," or doing grungy development/relief work on the same level as and with the needy, has become the new "in" thing in the western world. With pride we declare that it's too snobby to help by directing from a distance. And there are some very sound, ethical reasons for that change. On the other hand, our generation doesn't have much experience in staying in dirty places for long periods of time, and I think the failures and disappointments incorporated in working with very poor, broken people are often glossed over by organizations and individuals trying to recruit financial and physical help for their projects in the world. Not that I'm saying we can't help, or shouldn't. But rather, I think we're going to be seeing a lot more posts like Compolo's in which we are learning what "keeping the faith" actually means when we're incredibly tired and discouraged. Thanks for the article.