Saturday, March 29, 2008


I have two dilemmas tonight.

The first involves buying glasses. I went out tonight to look at my options. Do I buy slightly more funky and colorful, or slightly less funky and neutral? Keep in mind that I only buy new glasses about once every five years, and that I wear my glasses all the time (first thing I put on in the morning, last thing I take off at night.)

The second involves Sunday school tomorrow morning. I'm teaching. My class has three sixteen year old girls. The lesson from the book that I'm scheduled to teach is a presentation of the salvation message. The book is designed for large youth groups, with a mixture of Christian and non-Christian kids. I have three girls, all of whom I've known since they were born, all of whom are dedicated followers of Christ. Not really sure what I'm going to do about that.



Drew said...

too late, but you could ask them how they might share that salvation message with someone..