Thursday, March 20, 2008


Here are a collection of somewhat random thoughts...

My brother came through the surgery today okay. It's now a waiting game. The trauma from the surgery has to heal before we can know if his ability to use his wrist will be restored. I continue to pray for healing and restoration.

A friend from a while back recently posted a recording of a song he wrote on his blog. I remember way back when he first wrote this one, falling in love with the song, with the encouragement it offered. I listened to it quite a few times today, in the midst of praying for my brother. You can find the post (with the song) here.

I am grateful for a quiet night tonight. I really needed it. I'm also grateful for a gentle push from a friend to spend some time honestly in front of Jesus.

I'm still caught by the fact that today is the anniversary of St. Clare leaving her wealth to follow Christ. I talked about that a little this morning. It just feels oddly important in the midst of this crazy season of deepening relationship with Jesus. I can't explain it yet without far too many words that don't quite fit. I'm not sure I'll ever be able to explain it. But it is important.

I'm hanging out with my best friend tomorrow. It'll be one of the last times we get to be together before she heads overseas for the next year and a half. I'm praying for special moments, for times with Jesus.

I'm planning to spend the rest of tomorrow curled up somewhere - a park, a coffee shop, my bedroom, doesn't much matter. I just need time to read and think and pray and write. I need to make the time and space to listen for Jesus on Good Friday, to listen and wait as Lent draws to a close.

I bought a book by Henri Nouwen last night that I'm quite excited to begin reading. The title? "Clowning in Rome"

At this moment, I have that book, as well as the following titles within arm's reach:
  • my bible
  • Francis & Clare of Assisi: Selected Writings
  • The Living Reminder: Service and Prayer in Memory of Jesus Christ (Henri Nouwen)
  • Take This Bread: A Radical Conversion (Sara Miles)
  • The Last Eyewitness: The Final Week - John Relives Christ's Last Week Before the Crucifixion (Retold by Chris Seay & David Capes, with illustrations by Rob Pepper)
I like the aforementioned Rob Pepper's drawings of Rome. I quite easily recognize some of the things he's drawn from my trip there in February. You can find the Rome drawings here.

I think I'm going to move from the couch to my bed, curl up, and read myself to sleep. Here's hoping for a night of peaceful sleep.