Sunday, February 24, 2008


My sleep schedule is completely messed up. And I've been home for two weeks now, so I can't blame it on jet lag.

I blame it on a couple of friends. They know who they are.

They messed up my life by introducing me to some really deep things. And now, I don't sleep. I dream, I see things, but I don't do a lot of sleeping. (Although, to be fair, I've never been known for my ability to sleep.)

But that's not the point of this post. The point is, I like weekends.

On weekends, I can take life slow, and I can revert to my natural night owl state. I can be sitting here, at 12:43 am, writing a post for you, instead of lying in bed, attempting sleep. I don't have to worry (too much) about the next morning, because I usually don't have plans. Or, if I do have plans, I can always take a nap later in the day. (Have I mentioned that I liked the whole "siesta" thing from noon-4 every day in Malta?)

Tomorrow night I'll attempt to be in bed by midnight, with my lights out. Because that's about when I normally go to bed. But tonight? the sky's the limit baby!

(okay, so, this is the last thing I'm doing, with the possible exception of reading a bit of a novel before sleep, but I COULD stay up if I wanted to!)

Real thoughts to come after sleeping... good night!