Thursday, December 06, 2007

Quiet evening

I got my hair cut tonight, but I'm too lazy to take a picture to show you. 3 or 4 inches cut off. Layers. Bangs - albeit long ones. Generally it has a shape again. 6 months is too long in between cuts. But moving out and and a few other things made it less feasible to spend the money for a really good cut for a while there.

I wandered in the mall for a little while before I had the hair appointment. Mostly I hung out in the bookstore.

I've been in bookstores a little too often this week for the good of my budget.

I picked up two new titles tonight. Both were one's I was surprised to find in a secular, large chain bookstore. "Starving Jesus" by Craig Gross and J.R. Mahon, and "The Year I Got Everything I Wanted" by Cameron Conant. I've been reading Conant's blog for a while now (I link to it in my sidebar) and was delighted to find his book in the store tonight.

If this week ever actually ends (a fact I'm sort of doubting since it feels like one of the longest on record), I'm going to spend tomorrow evening curled up with lit candles, a cup of tea (or several) reading. I have at least three titles purchased this week that I'm looking forward to diving into. And a magazine. I have a magazine too. And probably a hot bath. The books would be good while soaking in sweetly scented salts for an hour or so.

For the moment, though, I'm going to enjoy watching Grey's Anatomy, then I'm going to try and catch some sleep. Not something I've been doing that well this week, but still worth the effort...