Saturday, November 24, 2007

Saturday afternoon quiet

I've had three separate sets of plans for how I was going to spend this afternoon fall through.

So, I'm hanging out on my own, and enjoying an empty house.

Little known fact: You know those tiny cobs of corn that you find in asian cooking. I LOVE them. I buy cans of them and eat them raw, for a snack. I'm eating them right now, in fact.

Another little know fact: I may hate sports in general, but I actually quite enjoy watching individual sports in the background on television. Just at the moment I'm watching women's giant slalom world cup skiing while I lay here snacking, emailing, blogging and reading.

I have a stack of four or five books I'm going to dabble in reading this afternoon. A variety of fiction and non-fiction.

My laundry is running in the background. Our washing machine is quite possibly the loudest one I've ever encountered. But, I'll be glad for clean socks and towels and pajamas later. I may even change the sheets on my bed if I'm feeling ambitious later.

I think I'll cook a nice supper tonight. Baked chicken, roasted baby potatoes and asparagus. Some of my favorites.

Oh, and before I forget, you absolutely HAVE TO go see the movie, "August Rush". My brother and I saw it last night, and it was fantastic. So beautiful. Great acting and great characters and full of beautiful music. Seriously, go see it, you won't regret it.

And with that, I think I'll either nap or read or both!

Until later....