Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Jesus coincidences and other thoughts...

I told a friend last night that my next blog post would be titled "I think I'm allergic to Jesus". I decided not to write the post, but I am still laughing at the idea... seems that the seasons in my life where Jesus is drawing me most intensely to himself, where I am being pulled from familiar comfort zones into the completely terrifying, stunningly beautiful unknown are always accompanied by a great deal of physical illness and weakness. As someone who has a number of food allergies and sensitivities, this kind of reaction of my body to the things going on with me mentally and emotionally always reminds me of an allergy - thus, "I think I'm allergic to Jesus"!

This present season has many parallels to be drawn to a season exactly two years ago at this time. The emotions feel very similar to that time, and that time is one that in some ways I'm still recovering from! So many beautiful things happened in a short, intense season, that I am still finding my way! And so, I'm sitting here at my desk this morning, sipping tea, and waiting to see what beautiful things come out of this new and crazy season. I'm excited. I'm exhausted. I'm sick. But Jesus is doing cool things.

And, speaking of weird Jesus coincidences, I had a fun one on my way to work this morning. I was in my own little world, walking to the train from home, listening to Jason Upton on my ipod. I was talking with Jesus about a couple of young women from the group of youth at church that I'm involved with, and thinking that I needed to phone one of them tonight. I stepped on the train, still in another world, and someone poked me to get my attention. Both of the girls I'd just been praying for were standing there, on the way to the temp job they're both working at just presently. We had probably 15 or 20 minutes of commuting time to chat, and it was great to see them, even in the midst of my early morning groggyness!

Today is yet again full of people (both lunch and dinner out with friends), and work is going to be busy for the next week or so, since we have a large conference and annual meeting at the end of next week, and I'm taking a couple days off at the end of next week as well. So, with that, I'm back to work!