Thursday, October 25, 2007

An Evening In...

I have an unexpected quiet evening... plans fell through so I did some errands, and now, I'm enjoying a quiet house.

I don't get a lot of evenings alone these days, but my roommate is out of town for a couple of days, so I have the house to myself...

I have all the essentials within arms reach.

A cup of lemon mango fruit infusion loose tea.

A couple of cookies.

Candles are lit, and burnt some incense a bit earlier so the smell is still hanging in the air.

Tonight I'm going to do some reading, a variety of sources...

I have the following titles within arm's reach:
C.S. Lewis "The Silver Chair"
The Autobiography of George Muller
J. Matthew Sleeth, MD "Serve God, Save the Planet"
Lauren Winner "Mudhouse Sabbath"
Andy Stanley "Choosing to Cheat"
Jeannie Ostreicher & Larry Warner "Imaginative Prayer for Youth Ministry"
Andy Freeman & Pete Greig "Punk Monk"

and a pen - because I can't read without a pen...

Grey's Anatomy is on later... love that show, may watch, may not... the commercials are showing a Halloween episode - looks a bit creepy and not sure I can watch that before sleeping...

I'll probably turn some music on soon.... maybe the soundtrack to Garden State, or maybe something from Jason Upton or Jacob and Lily...

see you later....


Anonymous said...

Hi, my name is Dustin and I work with Christians in Conservation: A Rocha USA. I noticed that you mentioned the book "Serve God, Save the Planet" in your post, and I thought that you might like to know that its author, Dr. Matthew Sleeth, has recently become the president of our organization. We would love for you to check us out at our website,