Friday, October 19, 2007


I do love that word - discomboulated. So descriptive. So accurate for what I'm feeling this morning.

I was up too late last night. Bible study, a conversation in my stairwell, a little bit of tv to unwind, some reading and praying... much later than I've been up in a while.

The conversation in my stairwell with two friends has left me with much on my mind and heart... praying for these two, who Jesus is doing beautiful things in, and who are facing difficult new things right now... praying for peace, for rest...

I dreamt again last night. That makes five nights in a row of significant dreams that I've retained. That has got to be a new record. And, as much as I'm working to be okay with the whole dreaming issue, five nights in a row, with four of those five being somewhat disturbing dreams, is getting to be a little much.

I'm carrying last night's dream a bit... the implications are touching on painful things...

It took me an hour and twenty minutes to get to work this morning. It normally takes forty five minutes. Ask me how excited I am about public transit right now...

I was late for work because of the public transit issues.

I really needed to be on time today.

I'm drinking tea, but it's not helping yet.

My thoughts are going in a hundred different directions. I feel like my head is whipping around in circles trying to follow the places my thoughts are going.

I'm angry.

I'm tired.

I'm confused.

I'm working to rest in peace.

To draw on the strength of Jesus.

To quiet my thoughts.

To pray.

I'm very, very, very, glad that it is Friday.


Anonymous said...

praying for you...
that you rest, and draw on the strength of Jesus.

thankful for the two birds.

may the memory of them continue to bless you.
