Monday, September 24, 2007

Washed out...

I feel kind of washed out and colorless tonight. It wasn't a terrible day, it was just one of those days where you come home kind of tired and drained.

It was a straight to sweat pants kind of evening. A grilled cheese and carrots and jello for dinner kind of evening.

Just at this moment I'm indulging a secret passion for cheesy television.

I was thinking as I walked home from the bus tonight about how often I can tend to want to play Savior. How there are people I want to step in and pluck right out of Jesus' hands. I want to fix, and I want to heal, and I sometimes forget that I can't actually do that. I'm recognizing that tendency in regards to someone I know who faces a number of very rough times ahead.

I'm tired. Later maybe a bath, and serious reading, but for now, Ellen Degeneres on tv, and stretching out on the couch.