Friday, August 24, 2007

Remembering to Breathe

My facebook status today reads, "Lisa is remembering to breathe."

That's how I feel. This has been an incredibly intense week, full of people, and deep, emotional, mental and spiritual things. I am exhausted.

This morning a daily reflection email that I receive from the Moravian church contained the following verse:

God alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be shaken. Psalm 62:6

I've been looking at that off and on all day, and feeling encouraged.

I'm reminding myself to slow down, to seek perspective, to not become lost in the things that seem overwhelming right now - in the swirl of my own thoughts.

I'm reminding myself to breathe. To breathe in life, and breathe out death. To breathe in peace and breathe out confusion and uncertainty. To breate in love and acceptance and breathe out hatred and rejection.

It's helping.