Saturday, July 14, 2007


It's so hot here. I don't do heat very well. I'm tired, and it's zapping all of my energy. I think I'm melting.

In other news...

The internet in my new home is now up and running - thanks to a surprisingly competent technician from the telephone/internet provider.

My closet is now organized.

I got a half-hour massage today, and it was brilliant. If I had money I would totally be getting a full one-hour massage once a week. So relaxing.

Grocery shopped again tonight, and now I have to go through the receipt and divide up the bits that are shared, versus the bits that are just mine. Kind of gross, actually, all the extra math that this has added to my life.

My house is slowly starting to feel like it's mine. So far I still feel a bit like a visitor, and sometimes I wonder what my roommate thinks of me - we have such opposite tastes on so many things - we're shockingly different people, and sometimes I wonder how we're going to survive an entire year together.

Going to a private lake in town tomorrow, and I need to make chicken salad in the morning still. A couple hours in the sun will more than do me in, than a quiet afternoon at home, packing and in bed at a decent hour, since dad is picking me up at 5 am Monday morning for the trip to Idaho.

And with that, I'm off to finish up one or two quick things, and then we're headed out to watch the fireworks.