Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Facebook Updates and Rabbit Trail Thoughts

I am a little bit obsessed with updating my facebook status lately - with boiling down my current state of mind into a "Lisa is..." sentence. It could be a number of different things all at once today:
  • Lisa is fascinated by the things she's reading about Peru.
  • Lisa is following fascinating mental rabbit trails.
  • Lisa is impressed that she got a response from the Alderman's office so quickly.
  • Lisa is wishing for the money to immediatly pursue some dreams.
  • Lisa is dreaming of Incan ruins.
  • Lisa is shocked by the concurrent way her thoughts are following those of some friends.
  • Lisa is wishing she was sitting in the sun, with an iced tea, sunscreen, and a journal.
  • Lisa is wondering if anyone has connections with praying people in Peru.

This post that Kirk put up is catching at the edges of some things for me. Triggering the things hanging out on the edges of my conciousness that I talked about yesterday.

Peru has been cropping up an awful lot again lately. I'm now almost positive that I will be making a trip there sometime in the next year. I'll post about all of that soon... just need to find some time to sit down, do some reading, and begin to process the multi-layered stuff that's coming up in regards to that trip.

The bus ride home yesterday was interesting. So interesting that I wrote a letter of complaint to Calgary transit this morning, that I also forwarded to the mayor and my alderman. Can I just say that I'm impressed with how quickly I got a response from the Alderman's office? I'm very pleased with that.

I grocery shopped at lunch today. Spent some money, even though it's super tight this week, because I just couldn't face the prospect of eating pb&j sandwiches for the rest of the week's lunches.

I have to stop and buy a wedding shower gift (for a shower that I'm attending more as a favor to my best friend who's hosting, than because I'm particularly close to the couple the shower is for) on my way home from work tonight. Another expense I'm not wild about in a week where money is a definite issue.

Tomorrow night I'm doing a pastor's kid sort of guilted into it favor, and taking someone's 16 year old niece from Germany (at least she speaks English fairly well) to see Shakespeare in the Park. I picked it because it's free. And we don't have to make a lot of conversation. I can pick her up, we chat in the car on the way over, we watch the play, we chat in the car on the way back to where I'm dropping her off.

This has been an incredibly slow workday. I have almost nothing to do, and I think I'm losing my mind with boredom. However, I guess I'll go back to pretending to have something to do now!

See you later!