Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Day off

I took today off work. I've called dozens of housing ads and left messages. We're looking at two places tonight. Not sure how I feel about the cost of the first one, or the neighborhood of the second one. I'm really hoping that we manage to locate something within walking distance of a train station. I'm starting to wonder about money, and if this is a financially good decision. Seems kind of overwhelming...

I'm tired, and a bit cranky just at the moment. I feel like I've been out and about far too often this week, instead of accomodating a slower rhythm that I've found helpful in controlling the level of exhaustion and stress in my life. I'm taking the next couple hours off - until we have to go look at these places.

I feel like there are a million and one things on my "to do" list that are not being accomplished this week because of having company of sorts here, and because of going out nearly every evening to one thing or another. I've been invited to see a movie with friends tomorrow night - one that I actually quite want to see - but I think I may stay home and vegetate instead... we'll have to see... Friday night is already scheduled, as is most of Saturday and Sunday... I might just need the time to breathe!

Anyhow... I'm off to watch a movie or read a book for an hour and a bit...