Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Tuesday morning musings

I check the weather forecast on Environment Canada somewhat religiously these days. Kari talked on her blog yesterday about the ongoing snow we’ve been having. I’m tired of it. (Although, today, I have to head home after work and clean a winter’s worth of dog crap up from our yard, so I wouldn’t object to a quick snow storm that covered it up and delayed it for a day or so!) I can’t wait for spring, and then summer. For the days when I don’t have to make my clothing choices by how cold it is outside, and whether or not I’ll get frostbite walking from the train station to our office.

Phone call volume was way up at the office yesterday, and seems to be headed in that direction today as well. The remnants of a 4-day long weekend closure for Easter, I suppose.

I had a beautiful time hanging out with Jesus last night. That hasn’t happened in a while – where a Scripture really drew me in and started a conversation. I’ve been too stressed, too worried, too busy to pause and listen for those conversation starters. I’ve ignored the prompts to open Scriptures several nights lately, but paid attention last night. I journalled a bit, and listened. When I switched my light out, it seemed the conversation wasn’t over. So I lay on my face in the dark, and we kept talking. It felt really good to share my heart, to express the concerns and worries I’ve been holding onto so tightly. Various friends and situations came to mind, and I prayed for them too, as he guided me. I fell asleep meditating, over and over, “Abba, I belong to you. Show me where you’re working and how I can join you.”

I really do, wish, though that I’d manage to sleep through the night one of these days. Right now, I sleep like clockwork, from whenever I drift off after turning out my lights (usually somewhere between 10:00 and 11:00 p.m.) until about 3:30 a.m. After that, I wake up every hour or so, often with weird snippets of dreams left behind, until 6:30 when my alarm rings and starts my next day. A full night of sleep is one of the things I’m asking God for an awful lot lately. It’s been quite a while – three or more months now, since I’ve regularly slept through the night.