Monday, April 02, 2007

My world tonight

I wanted to post a whole bunch of pictures for you tonight, but blogger isn't letting me rotate the ones I took vertically. Go figure.
So, here's a few pictures just for the moment.

These are my hot pink crocs. A Christmas gift from my brothers, and they make me smile every day. Plus, they're quite possibly the most comfortable footwear I've ever owned. I wear them as slippers, for padding around our house, since all of our floors are hardwood.

This is just one of two bookshelves in my room, built by my dad. I keep all of my favorite books in my room, and the rest of them on yet another bookshelf downstairs.

This is the candle that our contact at the hotel gave me as a thank you for our business, and the work that I did planning the conference over the weekend. It smells like citrus.

This is my suitcase from the weekend. I hate unpacking. I mostly hate packing too, but a bag that needs to be unpacked can sit on my bedroom floor for a couple of weeks.

This is Kari and I, in our hotel room over the weekend. It was great to have time to just hang out, to relax, to enjoy time together.

Like I said, I had quite a few more photos that I wanted to show you. The little things that surround me every day and make up my world, but for now, these will have to do. See you soon!