Saturday, January 20, 2007

A Tense Moment

My brother Tim and I had a few tense moments this morning. You see, we were quite desperate to get tickets to an upcoming concert in town, and tried to get them in the pre-buy yesterday. The prebuy sold out in three minutes.

So, we were both ready on ticketmaster's website this morning. Him at work, and me at home, on our cell phones (we didn't want to end up with four tickets at 90 bucks a pop).

We thought we had them, we hung up. He was going to pay. He called right back. A problem with his ticketmaster account. He had a line on another pair, but it wouldn't let him buy them. So I managed to get some, and the last pair we had are probably the best pair. The seats are decent, far enough up the bowl that we'll be able to see the stage. But we had ten tense minutes wondering if our dreams would be dashed!

And the concert that we hung our hopes on? Rascal Flats. I know that some of you will consider it my one failing that I love country music, but I can't help it. I just do, and Rascal Flats is some of the best country music around. Plus, my brother loves them (if not necessarily country) even more than I do. So, my youngest brother and I are headed to a concert on February 22nd!