Monday, January 22, 2007

Resources on the book of Mark?

(this should probably be titled "random thoughts" but I thought I'd use the title to highlight the most important question on my mind at the moment!)

I'm rather cranky just at the moment.

My favorite mood music playlist is running in itunes, but it's not helping yet.

I want to do something, anything, but I don't know what, and frankly, I'm not all that motivated to pick something and actually engage in doing it.

I'm wishing for friends to hang out with again.

I am wondering about this deep thing within me that I have felt shifting. I am learning what it means to know deep within what it is to be beloved of the king.

I am thinking about a conversation I had yesterday at lunch, about broken people within the church, and within missionary communities around the world. I was talking with an MK newly arrived from Thailand, and our shared stories, mine from Canada and hers from overseas touched the longing places in my heart, restirring dreams long planted by God.

I am postponing the beginning of prep for a bible study I start leading this coming Saturday. I feel rather inadequate, and as such unmotivated to really dig in and start studying the scripture I've chosen to work through with these girls.

On that note, does anyone have any really great resources on the book of Mark? We're going to work through the Gospel of Mark, and I have some resources to aid me in preparing, but if you can recommend something, let me know! (To be honest, I picked Mark because I've been camped there for quite a while now, and it's dual purpose research - for my own current writing project and for the Bible study!)

I'm hating living with my parents just presently. There is a seemingly constant clash of opinions, of worldviews. It's hard to be an adult in the home of your parents. I hate that in some ways, despite my own sense independence, my finances make me still dependent on them at times.