Thursday, November 23, 2006

Thank God it's Friday

Okay, so Friday doesn't officially start for another thirty minutes, and I'm going to sleep for about six hours before I officially kick off my Friday, but I'm definitely glad it's coming.

Work tomorrow will be mundane, but doable. I don't particularly love it, but I don't hate it. I like it, and that makes me happy.

I have tentative plans for a movie date tomorrow night with my dad. My mom is going to a seminar for the evening, and dad and I are thinking about going to see the new Will Ferrell movie, "Stranger than Fiction." We both find the premise intriguing.

I plan to spend the weekend reading, possibly writing, and mostly practicing driving. I took tonight off from the whole driving thing. I needed a break, and thanks to all the snow, the roads are crappy anyway!

And with that, I'm off to bed. See you all on the weekend!