Friday, November 17, 2006

Prayer Request for my Brother

I got the following email from my brother this morning, something he sent out to the church we're a part of. It was a situation I was aware of, but reading his words made me tear up a bit.

Hello friends and family,
I sent out a request for prayer regarding my wrist injury about a month ago, and I have an update about it. Unfortunutely my condition has become a great deal more serious to the point where I can't play my guitar without consistent pain, and my wrist often causes me pain regardless of whether I use it or not. Not being able to play guitar is a serious problem since I'm studying guitar at Rocky Mountain College. However, the school has granted me a health related leave of absense as long as I will agree to work hard at the healing process and stop using my wrist. They have been very gracious to me and have restructured my lessons and created a way for me to continue practical music training apart from playing guitar. I would ask your prayers for healing for my wrist, and especially for peace and joy despite these difficult circumstances. God is teaching me patience and trust in His plan, however these things are much more easily written than learned. I'm definetely feeling very overwhelmed and frustrated, but I believe God is teaching me to love Him more than music and athletics...definetely a challenging lesson for me. I appreciate your prayers very much, they mean a lot to me.

Thank you very much
Your brother in Christ

You need to understand that my brother is not only a guitar player, but a volleyball player. Guitar is his major form of self-expression, of worship, of tension release. It is his source of joy. He is my baby brother, and has a very tender heart - one that is constantly seeking after God. He is hurting right now. His school has told him that he is not even allowed to type papers on the computer. He is to completely avoid using his wrist (or at least as much as is humanly possible).

So, my mom and I will type his papers for school, and we will pray that God will intervene quickly with healing, and that, in the meantime, He will give Tim great peace and patience. I would appreciate it if you would pray with us.