Friday, November 17, 2006


A real update coming in the next day or two, I promise!

I brought little speakers to work with me today. I was tired of listening to the same internet radio station over and over. So I brought speakers to work with me. They’ll let me play my ipod instead of whatever I happen to find on the internet.

I set them up, plugged the ipod in, and starting flipping through my playlists, trying to decide what music I wanted to start my morning with. I came quickly to the conclusion that I’d better stick to just playing albums for today, and do some work over the weekend to come up with “work appropriate” playlists for longer periods of listening!

It’s not that I listen to anything particularly raunchy. In fact, I can’t think of any songs that I wouldn’t play within earshot of my parents. But, I somehow don’t think that the Mennonites that I work for are going to be all that excited about songs on my country list with titles like “Whiskey Girl.” Ah, well, here’s to censoring that at least allows me to fill the monotony of putting mailing labels (two on each) on 4200 envelopes with some kind of music!