Friday, October 27, 2006

More reading...

Maybe this is just the day for you to read what other people have written. It's grey and cold here. I'm sitting in a office that is nearly empty, answering phones when there is no one to direct the calls to. And I'm not feeling particularly inspired to write, though I have been feeling some level of inspiration again lately. I wonder sometimes if I need to be careful not to share every moment of inspiration, to pour out all the inspiration and find myself left empty. Perhaps I'll let it saturate me for a time, and then the things I produce to share will actually be worth your consumption. Maybe I'll write tonight, or even this afternoon, but I think it probably needs to soak inside me for a while first...

In the meantime, you should read Rik Leaf's ongoing account of his personal journey at this site. I'm quite enjoying it, flipping back a couple times a day to see if a new chapter has been posted.