Saturday, July 08, 2006

Thinking about boys

Boys seem to be the topic of the week in conversations with friends. Particularly what I'm thinking in the whole area of dating/desiring to be dating/who I'd possibly like to be dating.

The truth is, I don't actually think about it all that often. I was asking myself tonight if that makes me kind of weird - an abnormal young adult. I was with a friend who spends a lot of time thinking about marriage and babies, and really wishing for that to happen in her life, and I couldn't be more opposite.

Does that make me a bizarre 22 (almost 23) year old woman? I mean, I'm pretty sure I want to get married someday -there's something amazing, I think, in sharing life that intimately with another human being, something deeply spiritual and special and blessed by God in marriage. But I'm really not in a hurry. If it happens sometime soon, that's fantastic, and if it doesn't happen soon, that's okay too.

I think I'm definitely weird. I find it bizarre that I have this peace about that whole area of my life, and yet I spend my whole working day surrounded by people in the midst of planning their weddings and lives together. I'm bombarded with it, and yet I don't particularly have an unsettled longing of the heart for it. I think, though, that I'm glad that I'm content as a single person. It seems, from watching my friend, that it would be a huge emotional drain to devote time and energy to worrying about meeting a guy, and is he the one, and what should the timing be like, and all those million other questions that girls seem to love to obsess about.

Okay. I'm going to bed now. I've had my say for the night, and gotten it off my chest that I'm a little weird. (It's like I keep saying - I'm suited for the life of a middle aged academic, not the emotional throes of young adulthood!) I'm sure the boy will come at the moment I least expect it, and in the timing that I also least expect.