Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Early Ending to an Evening...

So I just got home from driving a friend home from my place. She decided to check out house church with me for the first time tonight, since I was hosting it, leading the discussion, and it wasn't as far north as it normally is. Which would have been great, except that she was the only person who showed up! So we caught up on each other's lives, watched part of a movie, and I drove her home, because her health is fragile and doesn't permit late nights.

So much for the discussion topic I'd prepared to lead us into sharing and praying. Oh well, maybe next time? Maybe I'll write up the topic and stick it up here for discussion sometime this week...

As to the week, the rest of it looks like it will be quite busy. I'm working the next several days in a row. I'm also meeting a friend on Thursday morning to catch up on each other's lives, and I have a job interview tomorrow morning. To be honest, I don't think I'm interested in the job because it doesn't pay enough, but the work sounds okay, so I thought I'd at least meet with the lady and try to get a bit better feel for the job. And I guess I'll use Friday afternoon to send out more resumes...

I had my first "driving standard" lesson yesterday. Megs is teaching me so I can drive at least part of the way on the road trip we're taking at the end of September. We spent the evening together, at a friend's birthday, and then having coffee, talking, and driving. We ended the evening by praying together. We've decided we need to do that consistently. We're always up to date on each other's lives, and we pray for each other individually, but have decided to make a habit of praying together, because we care deeply for each other as friends, and because we both want to develop a greater comfort level in praying aloud.

Also, I picked up my parchment from the university today. I now officially have it in formal writing that I am the proud owner of a bachelor of arts in history. Whoo hoo!

I think those are the major things. I had some pretty weird dreams again on the weekend. So many of my dreams are so vivid and real. I have trouble distinguishing which ones are the spiritual ones that I need to pay close attention to, and which ones are simply the result of an overactive brain.

The heat's been getting to me - hard to sleep when you're melting in your bed. And I've missed our community... church was cancelled Sunday because of the long weekend, and then no one showed up tonight. I know that my spirituality has little to do with the events of a week, but I miss the chance to gather, to catch up on each other's lives, to worship and pray together when things are cancelled. So with that, I'm off to maybe do some paper journalling, and to do some reading... Drop me an email or leave me a comment updating me on all of your lives... Haven't heard from or seen some of you in quite a while...


Nolan said...

Hey Lisa. I haven't been to epic in a month. I'm not sure how it happens except for family events and the cancellation but it's alright. I'm sick right now. Very weird to be sick. It happens so rarely I don't know what to do when it happens. I have a head cold of some kind. It's probably a West Nile Virus Immunity shot courtesy of some mosquito. I went to work anyway on some Extra Strength Neocitron and then I took the afternoon off to see RJ off to the airport for India.
Your journals have been, hmm, come up with a term to describe being happy for someone because their life is going well as they follow God and even have fun activities like hiking with friends.

Lisa said...

Hey Nolan... haven't seen you in so long... are you at Epic this weekend? Praying that you'll get healthy soon!

Hope said...

Still here and still reading Lisa. Just haven't commented in a long while! Community. Connection. We crave both. We were made for both.

Hope said...

Still here and still reading Lisa. Just haven't commented in a long while! Community. Connection. We crave both. We were made for both.