Saturday, June 24, 2006

loosey goosey liturgy?

I'm excited and a bit nervous for church tomorrow night. A good friend of mine, a girl I went to high school with has decided to attend church with me. Which is exciting, because so very few of my friends outside of church are truly interested in spiritual things.

This friend has always been what I would consider a "spiritual" person. And I'm excited that she's willing to come check out church with me.

But here's the thing. She was raised Roman Catholic. We met in a Catholic high school. (Now, I have a longstanding love and respect for the Catholic church born out of a variety of circumstances including my family connections, the time in the high school, and a bachelors degree in church history, all of which can be expounded upon some other day!) But I attend a Vineyard church.

She's used to liturgy, and I'm taking her with me to a church where the "order of service" is loosey-goosey at best. And I wonder a little if the things that used to shock me will surprise someone who is used to the set in stone liturgy that has changed little in the last 5 centuries.

But hey... I've assured her that she doesn't have to participate in anything that she doesn't want to, and we'll go from there. I'm praying that it will be a positive experience, and that she will connect with people in meaningful ways as she has mentioned boredom and loneliness after moving back to Calgary following five years of university in Ontario.


Faye said...

Sweet deal. Epic can definitely be a good way to assauge boredom for people who are unaccustomed to it.
How goes picture collecting?

Unknown said...

It was great praying with her... I asked her if I could pray for her and the look in her eyes was like the first time you get behind the wheel of a car and are told to start driving... It was cute.

Lisa said...

Kirk, thanks for praying with her... I'd love to hear about it sometime...